Format: Book/Magazine
Artist: Geoffrey Feakes
CatNo: 9781789523201
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Geoffrey_Feakes Meatloaf Bat_Out_Of_Hell Book
This edition of Rock Classics examines the individual songs that make up the classic 1977 release, Bat Out of Hell.
Dealing with the album’s conception, recording, reception, subsequent tour, and legacy, the book also traces the backstory of its creators Jim Steinman and Meat Loaf (and their work, together and apart, that followed in the album’s wake). 
Includes passages on Bat’s two successors, released in 1993 and 2006 respectively, and Bat Out of Hell: The Musical, which premiered in 2017. 
Geoffrey Feakes is an author, music journalist and retired design engineer based in Wakefield, West Yorkshire in the north of England. He has five previous books to his credit: The Moody Blues On Track published in 2019, The Who On Track in 2020, Steve Hackett on track in 2021, 1973: The Golden Age of Progressive Rock in 2022 and Rick Wakeman in the 1970s in 2023. He has been a writer for the online Dutch Progressive Rock Page since 2005 with hundreds of reviews and interviews to his credit.