Format: Book/Magazine
Artist: Duncan Harris
CatNo: 9781789522907
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Duncan_Harris Hawkwind_On_Track-revised_editio Book Hawkwind
A revised edition of the essential album by album, track by track guide to the music of Hawkwind, this version of Hawkwind On Track brings the band's career up to date and includes the Hawks' unexpectedly triumphant return in the new millennium.
Duncan Harris started as a music journalist and interviewer in the 1980s, writing for fanzines and magazines. He contributed to the Rough Guides to Music series and, until recently, maintained a long series of reviews for the website The Dreaded Press. One of his proudest achievements is to have interviewed graphic novel guru Alan Moore in the late 1980s, just after the rise of Watchmen. Amongst other subjects, Alan and Duncan had a long talk about Hawkwind. Duncan lives in Wiltshire with his adorable wife, dog Willow and two cats named Loki and Lilith.