Format: Book/Magazine
Artist: Stephen Lambe (editor)
CatNo: 9781789521900
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Stephen_Lambe The_Sonicbond_On_Track_Sampler Book
A pocket-sized sampler from Sonicbond presenting a brief dive into eight On Track titles.
Yes’ seminal Fragile album finds the band rushing to take advantage of their first success, while The Good Son by Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds, sees the much-lauded singer-songwriter and his band relocate from London to Brazil. Fairport Convention’s 1969 album Unhalfbricking, featuring the Sandy Denny classic ‘Who Knows Where The Time Goes’, is dissected, while we also discuss early Eagles on One Of These Nights. Led Zeppelin’s controversial Houses Of The Holy gets a detailed examination, followed by a look at Joni Mitchell’s exquisitely tender Blue. To complete the book, we discuss Tool’s 1996 epic Ænima and The Sensational Alex Harvey Band’s astonishing 1975 album Tomorrow Belongs To Me.
All copies sold via Burning Shed will be signed by the editor Stephen Lambe, and sold at the special price of £8.99.