Format: CD
Artist: John Young Band
CatNo: HR007
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John Young Band Live John Young Band CD
A JYB live album recorded at the Classic Rock Society in 2003.
John (Lifesigns, Greenslade, ex-Asia) is joined by Robin Boult (Fish) on guitars, John Jowitt (IQ, Arena) on bass, and Dave Stewart (Camel, Fish) on drums.
'If your taste in music encompasses well written and arranged melodic songs with a healthy portion of progressive ideals thrown in, then check this out.' - DPRP
1. Significance (4.41)
2. When I was Young (5.02)
3. Just One Day (4.41)
4. All Grown Up (4.26)
5. Underside (6.55)
6. Unknown Soldier (14.20)
7. Childhoods End (8.29)
8. Open Skies (4.04)
9. Kings (3.52)