Format: CD
Artist: John Young
CatNo: HR004
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CD Significance John Young
John Young's solo CD from 2002 features future JYB live favourites and a melodic Prog sensibility that was further developed in John's work with the hugely successful supergroup Lifesigns (with Nick Beggs).
All copies come signed by John.
'Good albums do not always have to be in odd time signatures and feature "twenty minute mellotron solos" to be great. Significance is one such good album.' - DPRP
'The music on Significance is for those who appreciate beautifully written song-based Prog, rather than the complex or aggressive end of Progressive music.' - Ron Fuchs (Prognaut)
1. Significance (4.21)
2. All Gone (3.15)
3. Closer (4.27)
4. When I was Young (4.16)
5. Papa (3.36)
6. Open Skies (3.57)
7. Underside (6.45)
8. Stranger than Fiction (3.34)
9. Listening (3.34)
10. Used (3.37)
11. Under Angels Wings (3.18)
12. Just One Day (4.35)
13. Insignificance (4.35)