Format: CD
Artist: Soen
CatNo: 5054197598067
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Soen Memorial CD Opeth
On Memorial, Soen - the band formed by and featuring ex-Opeth drummer Martin Lopez - tackle the ills of current society with a wounded venom that betrays the band's pain, anger and extreme frustrations. 
Fusing majestic melodies and bone-crushing guitars and rhythms, symphonic beauty and righteous rage abound.
Finishing with the tragic Pink Floyd influenced ballad Vitals, Memorial is the result of a band bravely finding its voice amidst global chaos and madness. 
CD in Casebound Book.
1 Sincere
2 Unbreakable
3 Violence
4 Fortress
5 Hollowed
6 Memorial
7 Incendiary
8 Tragedian
9 Icon
10 Vitals